AI-Driven Business Intelligence SaaS Platform Completes Series A Funding Invested by Sky9 Capital


AI-driven business intelligence SaaS platform recently raised tens of millions of yuan in a series A funding round invested by Sky9 Capital. The financing will be used on R&D and market development. In mid-2020, received more than RMB10 million in an angel round led by 4Paradigm, with participation from Aedlus Capital.

Founded in 2019, runs a SaaS platform that leverages AI and spatio-temporal data analysis to provide business intelligence solutions for enterprises. By analyzing data from multiple sources, its products help companies generate business intelligence by modeling various business scenarios in areas such as analysis, planning, strategy, and operations.

According to Sky9 Capital Founder and Partner Ron Cao, the domestic business intelligence SaaS industry is a very large market. “Looking from the top down, we can see that global giants in different industries are acquiring, investing in, or establishing strategic partnerships with data technology firms. More and more traditional enterprises, both big and small, are realizing that digital transformation is inevitable. As a result, it is clear that the business intelligence SaaS market is very promising. Before founding, Evan Sun had worked for Chinese and foreign tech companies for over a decade. He accumulated extensive product management and leadership experience, as well as keen insights and industry resources. We believe it perfectly fits Evan and his team to build a startup in such a market full of opportunities. We believe will stand out in this field and empower all industries with its AI-driven technology,” Cao said.

The products of fall into two categories: scenario solutions and industry solutions. Based on scenarios that frequently occur in business operations, such as retail site selection, logistics scheduling, outlet monitoring and field planning, uses AI to tap multiple data sources to propose solutions. The company has launched several products including digital mapping, scheduling, CRM, and others. also offers a complete suite of industry solutions based on scenario solutions combined with unique applications for different industries to give companies a competitive edge in the digital world. The product line has been extended to over 10 industries, including government affairs, real estate, retail, manufacturing, transportation, and education.

Evan Sun, Founder and CEO of, said that after continuous improvements and upgrades, their standardized scenario- and industry-based products can meet the needs of more than 75% of all enterprises. For other scenarios that require customization, can complete modeling within 7 days thanks to its spatio-temporal data intelligence platform.

There is still a huge gap between China’s enterprise services market and Western markets, which have been growing at a rapid pace for many years already. Enterprise services companies like Salesforce and Zoom are worth hundreds of billions of dollars, while the domestic market is still in the early stages of development. However, intense competition in China is driving demand for business intelligence to provide a competitive edge. Digitalization is accelerating and will lead to even faster growth of China’s enterprise services market.

“The enterprise services market encapsulates a wide range of applications, and there are many excellent companies within specific functions.  For example, Yonyou and Inspur focus on business process optimization. Weimob and Youzan target marketing and e-commerce optimization. Another example is online collaboration tools like DingTalk and Feishu,” Sun said. “However, many great opportunities remain untapped. For instance, 80% of an enterprise’s is typically location-related, but the traditional data management and analysis methods do not handle spatial data well. In fact, most enterprises are only using AI for relatively basic sensing applications or natural language processing. Enterprises would be able to unlock even more value if they could apply more advanced AI to solve higher value problems.’s mission is to help enterprises achieve dynamic business intelligence through its comprehensive capabilities in AI, big data and spatial computing.”’s customers currently include industry leaders such as Beike, Longfor Properties, Country Garden, Unilever, Decathlon, 7-Eleven, and Meituan. The company is also collaborating with partners such as 4Paradigm and iResearch to reach more customers. GEOOS is’s data intelligence engine, which the company open-sourced to benefit developers and contribute to the broader technology ecosystem.